Saturday, December 1, 2012

How Web Developers Can 'Turn Off'

Many web developers are inflicted with a disease of sorts that can greatly hamper their ability to live both a productive and well-rounded life. This disease is known as being 'always on'. These afflictions are made all the more worse by the fact that developers are constantly surrounded by media and gadgets that just allow them to be 'always on' for much longer portions of the day. But what's so wrong with being 'always on' anyway? For one, you waste time looking at the same websites over and over; for two, your precious gadgets are taking away from your real life relationships. So, how can developers 'turn off'?

No phone on 'special occasions' - No one wants to try conducting a conversation with a person whose eyes are glued to their mobile phone screens. On those occasions where being sociable is expected, web developers need to turn their phones off, leave them at home or hand them over to someone who isn't going to let them have it back until the end of the night. Whether it's 'date night' with your significant other or your cousin's wedding - no phones. Close social media clients - Most web developers tend to leave their social media clients on all day, often times on their mobile phone AND on their computer. Whilst this doesn't mean that you're actively engaging with your Twitter feed or your Facebook newsfeed, it does mean that you are alerted to updates and distracted instantly. Try closing the clients and only check them three times a day - morning, lunchtime and just before you leave. Have a full day off - Even though most workplaces are closed for the weekend, most web developers will still do some form of work on Saturdays and Sundays. This might involve work on side projects, or catching up on all the reading that you wanted to do during the week. Every weekend, however, you should make a commitment to taking yourself away from the computer for a full 24 hour period to give yourself a break.

And, finally, the number one way for web developers to 'turn off' is to seek help when they need it most. It is one thing to say that you won't use your mobile phone at your niece's Christening this weekend, that you'll turn your Twitter client off and that you'll take every Sunday off but it is a completely other thing to go through with it. Developers need to understand that they don't have to do this alone - family and friends are always willing to help, as are professionals who can help wean you off technology.

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Selecting a Proper Software Development Company for Improved Business Output

The world is transforming, with each day a new technological innovation. And so are we, each day expecting and demanding a new innovation. To fulfil this growing demand, the need to introduce a new technology in the market has mounted. Understanding this need many companies began investing oodles of money in software business.

Demands/needs, developments, and providers are interlinked. When demand rises, the idea for development arises, and to implement the idea the provider comes into the picture. Similar is the case with software development. The increasing demand of software development has led to the search and the emergence of software development company or consultancy world over.

Software development: the soul of today's business

Software is considered to be an essential component for the smooth functioning of the businesses today. However, developing software is not a layman work. It requires special knowledge and programming expertise to develop a unique software solution. Every business is unique and so are its requirements, therefore the need for customized software has gone up.

A reputed software development company has the capability to deliver what is needed. They hire creative brains, which posses better understanding of programming language in order to develop tailor-made software package.

Selecting the development company:

Now the question arises how to find a most suitable software development consultancy. Since, there exist a plenty of companies and selecting one out of those that can offer a profitable and suitable software solution is certainly a tough task.

To get the best company, you need to consider several features and evaluate the agency depending on these points. Evaluate the company depending upon its experience, work portfolio, reputation in the market, credit, and many more. Also, considering your budget and affordability is also vital. Contact the company directly to know its background, and get in touch with the ex and present clients, customers, and employees to get the feedback about its service and dealings.

Do not forget to inquire, whether or not the company offers custom software solution. If it does not, then forget dealing with that company.

Once you are sure, after the necessary background check, make sure you make the right selection and enjoy the services.

What is custom software solution?

In the custom Website development service, customized solution means each function and programming of the product is done as per the company's requirement and area of operation. The implementation of such system requires thorough testing.

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Why Customizable Mobile Apps Have Become Everyone's Need?

We have witnessed a drastic change in the arena of mobile apps in the past couple of years now. It has changed the way we do business today, evolved the process of purchasing items off the shelf and has most certainly transformed the way schools can now impart education to students. With the rise in demand for customized apps, more and more companies have started to hire professionals who are proficient in creating mobile apps on a variety of platforms and for all kinds of the latest mobile devices.

For the success of any customized mobile app it is imperative that the creator should follow a couple of stringent parameters. First and foremost the company creating the app for you should know your basic business or personal requirement. Without adequate knowledge the end result may vary from your initial requirement and as a result time and money gets wasted. Secondly, the mobile app company needs to ensure that the app has user friendly interfaces. Any complex designs would drive away users and jeopardize the success of the app. Thirdly, it is essential that the app is free from any kind of bugs or errors. This would mean thoroughly checking the app from inside and outside and ensure any instance or chances of errors are corrected then and there before it is delivered.

When you talk about schools and colleges, many set ups and establishments are looking for apps like eBooks, eTutorials, and other user friendly items through which teachers can impart or transfer knowledge to students in an easy and profound manner. You may find plenty of eBooks on various app stores but most eBooks have not been created in a user friendly fashion. You may hire a company or agency that can look into your specific requirement and have certain features and functionality embedded within your choice of eBooks or other items.

Mobile apps need to be created with great care as a lot of creativity and strategizing goes into it. The more user friendly and creative it is the more are the chances of getting better reviews and being highlighted at the top of eStores and online libraries. Apps for eBooks and eLearning is quite in demand nowadays as it covers all kinds of subjects and popular domains like History, Mathematics, Science, Geography and more.

More and more schools are now turning to tablets, notebooks like iPads to be able to share education and homework to students of all classes. This has aroused a sense of excitement and fun amongst students and has tempted them to open the app and learn specific items.

The downside that we see nowadays is the quality of apps being created and deployed on mobile devices. Even the limitations to the number of apps have added to the drawback but with demand and better opportunities this hurdle can be crossed. Setups are trying to address some of the prime limitations in devices and how they can become beneficial both for students and teachers. It is only a matter of time now when mobile devices like tablets would replace books in the near future.

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Dynamic Website Development: Fighting for Your Inch

In the film 'Any Given Sunday,' Al Pacino, who plays a football coach, gave a very rousing speech to motivate his team into victory. With the title 'Inch by Inch,' the speech has gone viral notwithstanding the strength of the actor but mainly because of the power of the words. This is applicable in almost everything in life including your decision whether to choose a dynamic website development.

The margin for error is small

Dynamic by its very definition is constantly moving and progressing. Static websites, in contrast, do not change much. Every time you open them, you are rerouted to the same page with simple URL and plain HTML codes. In old-school SEO techniques, static websites are perfect platforms to attract automated bots of search engines for crawling and indexing. A dynamic website, meanwhile, will a script every time it is prompted. It gives you an edge in the sense that it can provide better focus using industry trends to craft a keyword-rich entry. One other benefit of dynamic website development is the content management system allowing the business full control of the website Tools like Ajax,.ASP or Cold Fusion speed up the internal linking procedure and classify your contents through categories.

Fighting for that inch

Dynamic website development has several features: you can upload banners, images, flash movies without waiting for the website developer to change the raw code. Another thing is to interact better with your customers through discussion forums, comments, surveys and subscriptions. This is perfect for e-commerce website where customers can register, book and purchase right in the comfort of their own homes. You will also be able to install a more powerful search tool rather than the standard Google-customised search box found in most HTML websites with the tool, the users can refine their searches by date, category, price point, product batch, etc.

One half step too late... and you do not quite make it

Perhaps one drawback of dynamic website development is the ensuing cost of putting one. Obviously, because of the complexity and the number of pages within the website, it will take a lot of time and effort to build a dynamic website. But ultimately, when you get right down to it, the benefits you get outweigh the expense. Beside, any cost can be offset by any money you may save because you are no longer hiring any web developer to tinker with the HTML code if you want to introduce more changes to your website And when your competitors are also using dynamic websites, you are going to lose that inch of edge which is very hard to reclaim.

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What Do You Really Think Of Your Web Developer?

Do you have a website for your business? If the answer to this question is 'yes', it's likely that you will have had to work with a web developer at some point during its creation. Often, as a part of the sign off process at the completion of a project, clients will be asked how satisfied they were with the service provided by their developer. And the answers given show that there is a pretty strong divide - clients either love their developer or cannot stand them. So, what do you really think of your developer?

Unbelievably, most clients actually dislike their web developers and are not afraid to make some very unsavoury comments about them, from claiming that they were "taken for a ride", that they were completely overwhelmed by the technological jargon used, and that their expectations have been raised above what the team was able to deliver. Whilst this sort of view is not the same across the board, all it takes is a few nightmare experiences and a few outspoken unhappy clients and the whole industry suffers.

So, what do web developers have to say in response to the negative views held by their clients? In many respects, developers are actually completely unaware that their clients are so unhappy with the services they have received. Others will have quite negative views of the clients that they have worked for, claiming that they had no idea what they were doing, that they don't understand the process at all, that they never supply the right information, and that they keep changing their minds.

This is where we reach a problem. Both web developers and their clients appear to be completely dissatisfied with the entire process - the former are frustrated by the lack of understanding displayed by clients and the latter are baffled by all of the jargon involved. With everyone blaming each other for the problems that have ensued, it becomes clear that the root of it all is a lack or break down of communication. So, what's the solution? Essentially, fixing the communication problem at all costs.

The first step in achieving this is writing a clear and concise website brief. This is a document that outlines exactly what the client is looking for in their website, including its look, feel and other objectives. Whilst many businesses feel that this is the responsibility of the web developer or designer, it is actually the complete opposite - the developer needs the brief to ensure that the needs of the client are met. This is not to say, however, that clients need to write the whole document themselves - developers should be more than willing to offer a little assistance.

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Struts Interview Questions - Is It Just About the Technical Questions?

When looking for an IT professional proficient in the struts framework, it would be easy to focus simply on their technical abilities. And this is an obvious place to start. You want someone skilled in this area to maximize your organizational return.

However, experienced recruitment professionals will tell you that there are a range of other skills that are also critical. When preparing your struts interview questions, you will need to supplement these with interview questions covering a range of other skills or risk employing a dud.

Consider the following scenario: you engage the most skilled IT professional you can find having used a series of great struts interview questions. Everything's perfect right? Well, maybe not.

Communication skills

A common concern with IT professionals is poor communication skills. The stereotypical IT professional arguably prefers to minimize interaction with others. Rather, they just want to be 'left alone' to cut code (with their headphones in) for extended periods to time.

The problem with this approach is they may fail to properly communicate their progress towards deadlines, any potential roadblocks or compatibility issues with other systems they may come across. In reality, poor communication skills can negatively affect everything they do.

Working in a team environment

Communication skills is one thing, but what if they're no good at working in a team environment? Any solution that a struts IT professional will produce requires interaction with a range of other team members such as operations, marketing, sales and other IT areas. Without such interaction the IT material created may fail.

If your new struts IT professional is a poor team player you may find yourself struggling to achieve the goals you had employed them for. Common concerns can include your new IT specialist pursuing their own goals, being inflexible with any changes, or failing to follow instructions.

Meeting deadlines

Typically your struts IT professional will be working on a particular project to a particular deadline. But time is money, right? Meeting deadlines is absolutely critical particularly when IT developments, left unrestrained, can be a bottomless money pit. Your IT professional needs to be able to deliver on-time to maximize your return on the not insubstantial cost of their employment.


Asking great struts interview questions is critical to finding great IT professionals. An essential part of the interview process is asking additional non-technical questions on issues such as team work, communications skills and meeting deadlines. To ignore these issues is to set up your organization to fail - something we all want to avoid.

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Important Tips For Developing A Website

If you are new to the field of website design then there is enough scope for you to bring in a wide range of assets to develop an attractive website that can serve your online business purpose in the best possible way. You can always find a number of guides available online to help you in your job and studying associated web development technologies and considering other cases can be considered as a very good way of improving your technique and understanding the field in a better and more professional way.

The most important thing that you are required to consider while planning the design for the development of your new website select a process and technology that is neither too much expensive or too much time consuming and also offers easy maintenance and update facilities. A wide range of affordable web development tools are available in the market that can meet your requirements. There are also the click source applications that provide users with free web development tools and step by step guidance to provide anybody with the first website built by him in his life.

While developing a website to serve your personal purpose or as an online window for your small business make sure that your site do not irritate your visitors with pop up advertisements and other unnecessary visual disturbances so that they stop coming back to your site completely. You must avoid those irritating pop ups under all circumstances if you really want to develop a site that attract traffic and help your business purpose on a long run.

There is another important aspect of developing a cool and trendy website and that is the amount of data files that you are also required to access. This is more important because only a handful of your site visitors will have high speed internet connection and your site loading time is always going to play a crucial role over the number of visitors that you receive over a particular period of time. Being associated with more data files means longer loading time for your pages and that can really contribute heavily to bring down your online popularity.

Another primary requirement of a cool website is that it has to perform exactly the same in all platforms and web browsers and that is the reason you are required to be careful about the advanced technical functionalities that you put in your website. Before you actually launch your website it is always considered as a better and safer idea to check out its functionality and appearance in all the popular and most used web browsers along with different operating systems too so that you can absolutely sure about how your site is going to look like when it is on air.

Attractiveness must be combined with efficiency in order to design a website that not only looks good but works equally well too and always keep yourself open for suggestions because they can really help you to improve your online presence.

Designing a cool website requires a cool head with innovative creativity on your shoulders and you can always do it without being too complex.

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PSD to WordPress: Convert to a Better Design

Most people design their websites in Photoshop. However, performing a transformation from PSD to WordPress or PSD to Joomla is something that not many people are capable of. This is why hiring a specialized service provider would save them considerable time, cost and inconvenience. These service providers usually have many proficient programmers, who are very skilled at this task. Their developers would customize the designs to meet the requirements of their clients. Once the PSD to WordPress conversion has been done, users can expect cross browser compatibility, SEO semantic coding and CMS development.

While choosing a PSD to WordPress service, there are some factors that clients need to keep in mind. The conversion process must take place transparently, and within a very quick response time. The service provider must give twenty four by seven support and maintenance facilities. The quality of these services needs to be examined to obtain the best advantage. The service provider must use W3C valid, SEO friendly manual codes. Cross browser compatibility tests are also essential to ensure a state of the art website. The prices quoted by these service providers, for the PSD to WordPress conversion, need to be affordable. There should be ample scope for continuing innovations and improvements in the future.

Converting PSD to WordPress theme can bring a lot of benefits for the development of a website and keeping it updated. To make this possible, programmers work to develop a code that is compatible and functional. Once the coding, and the conversion, is completed, the website will be ready for use. The new appearance would naturally attract more users to the website. Conversion to WordPress can prove to be very beneficial for any website. WordPress is a very popular blogging platform as it allows for easier content management. It is quite easy to publish blogs using these applications. There are many features in WordPress like link management, assign nesting and tagging posts that are useful for bloggers.

For a well designed template, a service provider is required to know the basics of web designing. They will need to have an excellent understanding of CSS, HTML and JavaScript. This conversion service also allows one to alter and install templates without editing HTML and PHP coding. It is possible to use coded themes for advanced customizations. There is a huge demand for service providers who offer these services in the market. Since there are so many of them, it would be wise not to jump into the fray straight away and choose one. A little bit of investigation concerning the prices, offers, packages and discounts would be advisable. Once the right service been selected, it would be advisable to stick with that service provider. In conversion processes, it is a good idea to build a long term relationship with the conversion firm. PSD to WordPress conversions are very useful for any website. They can lead to excellent dividends and benefits for the website.

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5 Ways A Turnkey Website Can Benefit the Small Business Owner

These days the world has gone internet mad, and everyone seems to be online. Not only are they going online to play games, send emails, and catch up with friends, but they are logging on to find products and services that they are interested in. What does this mean for the small business owner? It means that if you don't have a website or a presence online then you may be missing out on a ton of opportunities to sell your products or services. If you don't want to miss out on these opportunities then you may want to think about purchasing a turnkey website.

Here are 5 ways a turnkey website can benefit the small business owner:

1. Create A Professional Image.

A turnkey website can help give you a professional image to your customers and potential clients. Creating a beautiful and professional website that is easy to navigate can be a tough challenge for the average small business owner, and hiring someone to create it for you can get expensive. A turnkey website can be a great low-cost way to get your brand online and create a professional image for both you and your business.

2. Increased Exposure Online.

Having an online presence means you can market yourself to potential customers all over the world. You will no longer need to rely on generating business just in your local area. You will be able to reach people from all walks of life who may be interested in what you have to offer. Many people these days use the internet to search for products or services they need before looking anywhere else, and having a turnkey website means these people will be able to find you more easily.

3. More Ways to Market Your Business

A turnkey website will give you far more ways to market to your customers. You can give them special online coupons that they can use to get a discount off products or services. You can also entice them to sign up to an email newsletter. Both of these things will encourage your customers to remember you and keep them coming back to your website for updates on you and your services. You will also be able to create a "Frequently Asked Questions" page that can answer your customers concerns without them needing to contact you directly.

4. Educate Your Customers

You will be able to use your new website to educate your customers about all aspects of your business. Not only will you be able to give them information about you - such as your address, phone number, and email address but you will be able to provide them with information and advice about what you do. For example, a home decorator could let their customers know how to paint their home, but also explain to them why it will be better to hire someone to do it for them. You can use your turnkey website to pre-sell your services and products.

5. Let Your Customers Find You 24/7

A turnkey website in your area of business can help your customers find you exactly when they need to without even leaving their house. You do not have to rely on business hours, as your customer will be able to find you and your services or products even if it's in the morning.

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5 Tips to Hire the Best Web Developers on Your Payroll

There are a lot of web development firms online, and with the world becoming a literal global village, it has become easier for firms to hire developers offshore without having to go on a recce trip to the country or state where the latter are based. However, if you are an entrepreneur who would like hire web & PHP developers offsite, there are so many choices that you would have to literally hunt for the ones that are the best - and then shortlist from that shortlist again!

To save you the time, trouble and wastage of money and resources in looking aimlessly for the best web development firm, we have 5 tips for you to narrow down your periscope and sort out the best firm in question!

• Look for Experience, Reputation and History - For most web development firms, the pride lies in the kind of clients they have handled and the live projects they have worked on. With examples that can lead to clients not only being impressed but also leading to them hiring web developers from the team - most would have testimonials and live project examples ready. You need to ask for the same, and verify that the projects quoted are the ones that have been actually finished by the development team that you are in negotiations with!

• Stop the Price Fad Fear - IF you are out looking for the BEST developers in the industry, drop that nagging budget and the irritating accounts department behind. While dedicated developers or hiring PHP developers offshore on a project basis can be pretty cheap and less than 50% of the on-site costs, holding price as the only parameter for your hiring requirements can be a disaster in the long process.

• Have a Plan B - A lot of web development projects or objectives go down the drain because they don't have a clear and concrete strategy and a backup plan. You need to have a contingency plan in case work doesn't go as planned or the project needs o be canned or you need to hire a new team of web developers or PHP Developers. Have at least 3 firms in your shortlist, whom you can ask for services when the first one defaults or doesn't live up to expectations!

• Make Sure Brief is Clean - Make sure that the project or technical brief, as in what you want to be achieved and what your expectations are, are made clear at the onset. This removes any snag due to miscommunication or lack of initiative on part of the developers.

• Bonuses - Pay bonuses and give occasional perks to the employee. A dedicated developer working for more than a couple of years for you will be loyal and motivated when you ask him for an on-site visit or an annual bonus will keep their spirits high and would want to give their best!

For a lot of investors, hiring web and PHP developers can be pretty hard for people who want to hire offshore, but not when you have done your research right!

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Don't Fear the Cloud: 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Entrust Their Data to the Cloud

Storing data offsite, or in the "cloud," makes it easier than ever before for small businesses to store customer data, client details, and proprietary information securely. Yet according to a recent study, 51 percent of small business owners are still afraid to commit to the cloud.

What is it that is holding them back? Where is this fear of the cloud coming from? One of the strongest fears in the human psyche is the fear of the unknown, and there's no doubt that this plays a role in people's reaction to the cloud. Some small business owners might not be very tech savvy, and perhaps in their minds the very word "cloud" calls up something fragile, tenuous, distant, and uncontrollable. However, with a bit of investigation they will quickly discover that cloud computing is actually a wise strategy that can offer many benefits to their business, because:

Cloud Storage is Cheaper.

Before the cloud, small businesses that collected personal data or used networked computers in the office had to create their own server systems. This required a significant investment in hardware and software, as well as the hiring of a qualified systems admin to create a security system and keep everything up and running. In some cases, an offsite backup system was also necessary.

Now, small businesses can store data in the cloud at a significantly lower cost. In essence, they are pooling their money with other businesses that also subscribe to the cloud service. They are able to piggyback off of existing servers with secure storage, paying for only the service level they need rather than for the entire setup.

In the rare cases where data does get hacked, it's much better for a small business to have the strength and expertise of a cloud storage company behind them. That way, instead of having to cover the costs of recovering the data themselves, they can receive help from the cloud storage company.

Cloud Storage is Stronger.

When considering data security, people tend to think of viruses and electronic threats and overlook the physical aspects of data security.

Because the cloud utilizes a global network of data storage centers, including ones built by major companies like Google, Rackspace, and Amazon, physical security is taken extremely seriously. We're not talking about a bunch of servers in someone's garage here. The cloud storage centers are located in secure buildings, complete with sophisticated alarm systems, security guards, and controlled access points. This protects the hardware from theft or vandalism. The servers are also protected from fires, electrical surges or water damage that could occur in a normal building.

By contrast, the average small business owner who does not use the cloud will probably not have this level of security. They might have private data on a laptop that could easily be stolen, or they might have their servers in the back room of their office suite in a building that can be accessed by just about anyone. They might even have the main server and the back-up server sitting right next to each other, leaving all their data vulnerable to physical disasters. When it comes down to it, data is only as secure as the room or facility that the server or storage device is housed in.

Cloud Storage is Smarter.

Most small business owners think they can just pop in a Norton Antivirus CD and their computers will be completely protected from hackers and digital threats like viruses and phishing scams. If they're particularly savvy, they might know to set up a firewall as well. Of course, using antivirus software and firewalls is very helpful and does provide protection, but it is nowhere near as effective as the cutting-edge tools used by cloud storage companies.

In addition to multiple layers of protection like firewalls, data encryption, and other security tools, cloud storage centers have digital security teams on staff to maintain a constant vigil against hackers. Using advanced intrusion detection methods, these talented individuals can actually detect and disarm hackers and viruses before they attack. Taking the offense allows them to protect the data stored in the cloud from the millions of hacking events that target personal computers each month. These preventative measures may be costly, but they are much better in the long run than having to clean up after even a single effective hack.

Cloud Storage is Compliant.

Small businesses that sell products online or use customer credit card information in any way have special security concerns to think about. They must ensure that they are compliant with PCI data security standards. PCI includes 12 requirements and over 200 sub-requirements, making it a nightmare for small business people to deal with on their own.

One way of dealing with compliance issues is to use a third party service such as PayPal to handle customers' sensitive financial information. Though people may not realize it, PayPal is a cloud service. So if they trust PayPal, it shouldn't be such a leap of faith for small businesses to trust other cloud services.

Cloud Storage is Easier.

Bottom line, cloud storage is just easier! Rather than attempting to handle hardware setup and maintenance, physical and electronic security, and privacy compliance issues on their own, small businesses can simply transfer all of these responsibilities to the cloud storage company of their choice. This leaves the business owner and employees free to focus on what matters most: growing their business.

And as the business does grow, cloud storage easily keeps pace. Unlike a traditional in-house storage system, which would have to be expanded manually as the company found new customers, hired new employees, completed more transactions, and used up existing storage, a cloud storage system can instantly adapt to a business' changing needs because the cloud has access to so many servers. All the small business has to do is call up the cloud company and add a few more gigs of memory.

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Web Development Languages: Which Is The Best?

The question above of which web development language is the best is very rarely answered subjectively. In fact, a quick search engine check results in numerous blog posts and forums littered with people giving their own opinion with nothing but their experience of a few languages (and sometimes only one!) under their belt.

The truth is that this question is somewhat moot. The main thing to consider when it comes to web development is that you are happy and confident in the abilities of the development company you are using to produce your applications.

In regard to web development languages, there are several to choose from. The most widely used is PHP, which stands for hypertext pre-processor although it did originally stand for Personal Home Page when it was originally created. Social Media sites such as Facebook and Yahoo are built using PHP to give a few examples.

The second most widely used is ASP.NET which stands for Active Server Page and was created and supported by Microsoft. Now in its fourth iteration, this web platform is fully extensible and a very mature competitor to PHP in the web development industry.

The main difference between the two languages is the fact that PHP is compiled on page load, so every time a user visits a page on a site, the PHP code is compiled server side and the results sent to the client. With ASP.NET, the source code is compiled prior to deployment, meaning that the framework itself has a significantly low overhead on the server in terms of page loading speeds.

As the page has already been compiled, the server simply loads the compiled file and sends it to the client - this means that on paper, the ASP.NET framework is faster than PHP. Although it must be noted that PHP has some very clever caching mechanisms now available which minimises this performance issue considerably.

A developer who utilises both of the above languages would be hard pressed to tell you what one language can do that the other could not, choice generally depends on developer preference and provided they are a capable programmer, they will be able to produce identical systems on either platform using either language.

Web engineering projects are managed from start to finish in a logical manner ensuring that the solution is developed on time and most importantly on budget utilising developers with decades of experience all backed up with a no quibble guarantee that you will get a fully functional web application exactly to your specification.

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QR Codes - Thinking Outside The Box

QR codes aren't just for promotions, here are a couple of suggestions on how to use these codes to provide useful information for people.

Offer Real Time Information

For travelers on commuter buses or trains from the city, think how appreciative they would be if your bus advertisement included live information about the traffic. Nothing is more frustrating than being on a bus on not knowing whether your journey will go according to plan or not. If you know, the traffic will delay your arrival, you might be able to change your evening plans?

Essentially, real time information can be useful in many different ways to people whether they are on a bus or shopping in a busy mall. So keep this in mind and consider linking QR codes to real time websites that offer updates on traffic, or professional sports scores, or some other real time event your market might appreciate having.

QR Codes on Packaging

If you produce products, think about including your QR code on the packaging. Often times packaging includes logos or other information that really doesn't provide any value to the customer. Yet, some customers will keep the boxes their items come in for storage or for future use. Why not ensure your packaging works hard for by including your QR code along with a tag line to encourage users to scan it!

Let's say you make custom spectacle frames that are packaged in brown carton boxes for delivery to clients. What if those packaging boxes had something interesting on them This could be something like a promotional coupon for future purchases, accessible only by using the QR code on the package. Frames are the kind of thing that your customers will likely purchase again and again so the offer of saving money on future purchases would be very enticing.

When deciding what to put on your package, be creative, but think carefully about the preferences of your market.

• Are they repeat buyers? Offer a discount coupon on future purchase. • Does your market have a sense of humor?

For example, parents are likely to get a kick out of family humor. Put a joke on your packaging to this market and offer access to more family humor with your QR code. Of course, on the page you create to welcome visitors from this campaign, include the free family jokes, AND offer an incentive or discount for one of your products.

The applications for QR codes are endless, it just takes a little imaginative thinking outside the box.

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What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?

The word website does not require any introduction in today's world where everyone is well aware the advantages of this platform. A website can do wonders for you as an individual or a business enterprise. You can earn much more profits than a traditional business store through a website. A website acts just like a building which is made of number of URLs to form one big structure. The URLs are made up of HTML codes, content, images and videos that are used to provide related information to the visitor. In the past, when internet was just introduced in the market, the websites were very plain and simple with black text and boring images.

However, nowadays, the things have changed to a much greater extent and they have become more interactive and attractive for the users. The use of modern day technologies has made this possible for making web pages look more dynamic and vibrant. Many people started up their website to showcase their expertise or share information with other people at different locations on the world map. But now, many of those have started to earn money by optimizing the content and marketing their services all over the internet. This has led many people to look for services and products on the online platform rather than going in for traditional markets and workplaces.

You can make your site successful on the internet through various means which will be discussed in this article. The most successful sites on internet are the content based websites because all the search engines love good quality and informative content. It is the feed for a search engine. Most of the crawlers are designed to look for best, meaningful and keyword rich content on a web page that can be useful for the visitors. The site owners that have content in abundance can provide advertising space on their pages and charge for them. The money through advertising will depend on the reputation of that webpage on the internet.

Another type of website which is very successful in the market is an ecommerce website. A lot of business houses are hiring web development company, India based for getting such type of websites developed. These websites can be highly productive for an organization and a very good source to maximize your return on investment. They offer services and products to the clients through a portal and the price tags for them are usually less than the market rates. They don't have any operational costs like those of big retail houses and this is the reason that the prices of products on their sites are far less than retail stores.

While getting a website developed for yourself or your company, always make sure that you hire professional designers for ensuring quality work in your website. You can find plenty of talented designers on the internet. They are always ready to work for any kind of challenging tasks. In addition, if you are looking to work upon a big project, then you can also hire a web design company in India.

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